Biography, Services & Contact

I have over twenty years’ experience as a practitioner, teacher, researcher and writer on photography and photo-history.  More recently I have taught up to post-graduate level and been immersed in researching and presenting the lesser narratives of photography’s history.

Free-lance work
I offer lectures, training, research, cataloguing and digitising services, personalised to suit the needs of private, public and institutional bodies in the United Kingdom, Europe, United States, S.E. Asia, and Australasia.


Research can be undertaken on objects within a collection for a range of outcomes such as sale, exhibition, and online resource or for print. Primary research can be undertaken for specific objects, subject to appraisal.


I catalogue and digitise analogue archives and effect moderate digital facsimile of fragile or damaged photographs.


I have researched articles for specialised photography publications and reviewed
photography exhibitions for on line journals exhibitions.

Get In Touch

To discuss any of the above and the fees involved please email me a brief outline of the details of your project. Charges are normally based on a daily rate plus expenses, alternative arrangements may be agreed.

My email is [email protected]

Curriculum Vitae

I have worked as a photographer, curator, reviewer, teacher of photography and photographic specialist for over twenty years. I am currently undertaking research and writing commissions, alongside working on my Research PhD which is looking at aspects of the early history of colour photography.